Aliya Ibraimova

Aliya Ibraimova is a director of CAMP Alatoo Public Foundation – the leading regional Central Asian non-governmental organization known for its innovative approaches and tools on Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Biodiversity Conservation. In her background Aliya has a BA degree in Sociology of the American University of Central Asia, the MA degree in Finance and multiple environmental studies related trainings and courses.

Aliya started her career at CAMP Alatoo in 2012 and acted in roles of innovative tools and methods developer in the fields of climate change, environmental education and biodiversity conservation;
researcher/analyst of conflicts over natural resources; trainer/coacher; fundraiser; and project manager. From 2015 she holds a position of project coordinator for the environmental education field which is being complemented with the director’s position from February 2020.


I wish to gain profound knowledge of and insights into environmental issues with the aim to make a better livelihood in our region possible.

Contact to connect with Aliya.