Through our seed projects, we support GEN members to turn their dreams and ideas into reality. Each project package includes funding, mentoring and communications support from the GDF team and GEN resource people. Every year we open a competitive call for proposals, awarding several seed project packages annually.

Call for projects – GEN 2024 Seed Project Funding
We’re thrilled to invite GEN members to apply for the GEN Seed Project Funding 2024! This is an exciting opportunity to turn your dreams into reality and make a positive impact on our world. We’re eager to support you in kick-starting or expanding your projects, and we can’t wait to see the incredible i
Supporting Gbagyi women in Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory to earn income from waste upcycling and business mentorship
Through this project, women in Nigeria are being trained on waste upcycling and business mentorship to enable them to run their own successful waste-to-wealth businesses in the future.
Safeguarding diverse landraces of beans in La Araucanía, Chile
Recognising that many places in Latin America are not producing enough legumes to feed their own populations, Porotarium Austral aims to recover and revalue the diversity of bean landraces within the family home gardens of the La Araucanía Region.
Specialty coffee agroforestry farmers Field School in the Pasco region, Peru
Specialty coffees, valued for their complex, rich aromas and flavours, require special geographic conditions and climates to be cultivated. The Field School aims to provide the necessary tools for producer families to continue to grow coffee without negatively impacting nature, but rather restoring it.
Cook Rocket mass stove to help improve the use of wood by rural families from the North Patagonian Steppe (Argentina)
Energy sources such as electricity, natural gas, canned gas, oil or wood are not equally available for all of us. Our project aims to promote wellbeing and to empower family farmers and rural extensionists through participatory learning processes in the self-construction of Cook Rocket mass stoves.
Revitalizing Sengwer people-land relationships through indigenous knowledge in Kenya
The Sengwer people are an indigenous hunting and gathering community who primarily live in the Embobut forest in Kenya’s Rift Valley. They have been victims of unjust land management and conservation practices since the colonial period (early 1900s).
Nursing our ancient trees in Savannah Region for resilience
Local and important trees have been disappearing for years from the Savannah Region of Ghana due to external market pressures, such as charcoal trading capital demands, deforestation and the introduction of foreign seeds.
The Rejea Retreat 2021 – Radical Reskilling for Regeneration
Colonial trauma is silenced in East Afrika, yet ongoing. Decoloniality is still a nascent movement and commitment to the dominant global narrative that rewards capitalist growth is equally high.
The Coffee Miners Project: An interactive and immersive platform to understand the Coffee Value chain from a Circular Economy lens
From encouraging biodiversity-friendly farming practices, roasting, blending, grinding, hulling, grading and garbling to packaging, we would break down these processes and look at it from a Circular Economy perspective.
Community seed banks contributing to small-scale food production, agrobiodiversity and local seed exchange networks in Chile
Women leaders from urban agriculture organisations maintain food and seed farms using agroecological and traditional techniques, allowing varied production to feed families and their communities.
Engaging with local communities to envision rewilding project
Developing a model of rewilding for central Chile that focuses on restoring lost functionality within socio-ecological systems.
Community seed banks in the Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan
Among the world’s highest mountains, the Pamirs are deep in the heart of Central Asia, mostly in Tajikistan, with some of the ranges in Afghanistan, China and Kyrgyzstan. Through our initiative, we support communities to preserve their local seeds for future generations: an approach which also serves as a cop
People, parks, and prosperity: A story map project in China’s new National Park
This project looks at the “park vs. people” dilemma through the lens of China’s first and largest national park - the Sanjiangyuan National Park. Designated as a national park in 2015 and officially opened in 2020, Sanjiangyuan comprises an area equivalent to the size of 13 Yellowstone National Parks.
Indigenous wisdom and ecopsychology for empowering emerging Latin American change makers: moving from Covid disruption to better social and ecological wellbeing
The global COVID-19 pandemic makes visible the disconnection between humans. This new phenomenon also generates, first of all, health crises and later, in a more concealed and insidious way, economic, ecological and social crises.
The Poli: Responsible Consumption for a Sustainable Future
Bangladesh’s leather industry is worth a billion dollars a year, but that value comes at a significant environmental and human cost. The process of tanning leather hides in most cases is highly toxic.