Marina Aman Sham

Webmaster/Web Content Support

After receiving her Diploma in Hotel Management from Les Roches, Switzerland in 1997, Marina Aman Sham ventured into hotel and tourism management in two protected areas in Kenya, an experience that exposed her to wildlife and community conservation initiatives, thus propelling her focus on the well-being of nature and people. In 2002, she returned to Sabah, Malaysia, where she worked with local communities on rural women’s entrepreneurship. Marina graduated with a Marketing and Public Relations Degree from Curtin University, Western Australia in 2007. Since then, she has worked on communications, education, research and management projects with local and international nonprofit organisations, including with GDF for over a decade. In her current role as Webmaster/Web Content Support, she works closely with relevant team members to ensure the content of both the GDF and Harvest Festival Marrakech websites meet the needs of its users.